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Hartnell College Costs

2007-2008 Expenses
Category Item Cost
Tuition and fees In-state $575
Tuition and fees Out-of-state $4,799
Tuition and fees Books and supplies $1,386
Living arrangement Room and board, Off Campus $9,288
Living arrangement Other, Off Campus $4,674
Living arrangement Other, Off Campus with Family $4,674
Total Expenses Off Campus, In-state $15,923
Total Expenses Off Campus with Family, In-state $6,635
Total Expenses Off Campus, Out-of-state $20,147
Total Expenses Off Campus with Family, Out-of-state $10,859
2006-2007 Expenses
Category Item Cost
Tuition and fees In-state $698
Tuition and fees Out-of-state $5,468
Tuition and fees Books and supplies $1,314
Living arrangement Room and board, Off Campus $8,910
Living arrangement Other, Off Campus $4,842
Living arrangement Other, Off Campus with Family $4,842
Total Expenses Off Campus, In-state $15,764
Total Expenses Off Campus with Family, In-state $6,854
Total Expenses Off Campus, Out-of-state $20,534
Total Expenses Off Campus with Family, Out-of-state $11,624
2005-2006 Expenses
Category Item Cost
Tuition and fees In-state $788
Tuition and fees Out-of-state $5,498
Tuition and fees Books and supplies $1,260
Living arrangement Room and board, Off Campus $8,565
Living arrangement Other, Off Campus $4,032
Living arrangement Other, Off Campus with Family $4,032
Total Expenses Off Campus, In-state $14,645
Total Expenses Off Campus with Family, In-state $6,080
Total Expenses Off Campus, Out-of-state $19,355
Total Expenses Off Campus with Family, Out-of-state $10,790
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